It's October. I was planning on having a busy month, but geez, this is ridiculous. I haven't even had a spare moment to think lately. This coming weekend is going to be the busiest I've ever had I think. I am super excited!!! Halloween is my favourite holiday of the year! Unlike some of my colleagues, I have been fortunate enough to at least have a couple days off this month. Phew!
During those few days, other than sleeping, I have been thinking that, lately, I have been taking on way too much and forgot all about myself. Feeling worn out and a little depressed doesn't just come from no where. I have to remember that this awesome journey I am on is going to be a little short lived if I don't take care of me and do what I need to do to make myself feel good.
I am super proud of all the work I do, however, especially the charity work, and that definitely makes me feel good. I guess it's all about balance. I have to remember which jobs are important and when it may be more important to spend time with my friends and family instead.
All in all, I am one lucky duckling! I get to enjoy my amazing job and I can truly say that I love what I do! I may do it a little too much but I think this balance thing will come with time. I just need to stop every now and then and remember that I am important too, and you better do the very same thing! :)\
Thanks for reading!!!