It is common knowledge that we should wash our faces before bed. So why don't we all do it? Here is a little food for thought.
Washing your face and exfoliating 3 times a week will reduce the size of pores and reduce the risk of cystic acne, black heads and white heads.
Everytime you leave your makeup on one night, dermatoligists estimate that this ages your skin by 7 DAYS!!!! Yes you read right, one night of makeup to bed means aging an extra week!
Mascara, and eyelash glue build up on the eyes for extended periods of time can cause eye infections, redness, dryness and can actually cause your eyelashes to fall out over time.
Lets think about our pillow cases, if we wash our pillow case once a week but only wash our makeup off a couple times a week, all that dirt, oil and makeup builds up on our pillow cases and your skin will react to this.
... And we wonder where these break outs come from!
Lets all wash or faces and be beautiful everyday! Our skin will thank us!
Ashly IYF